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View Full Version : Serious problem with stamina. Urgent help plz. Thnx.

09-29-2012, 07:09 AM

My second glad, a war trug, is getting serious problem with fatigue. It only has 35 endurance, and even we he is using light armor and total weight is 13% of the max weight he can carry, 90% of the combats "he sees he can't win and flees" because of fatigue. This happens even when I set activity level to 1.
This gladiator has size 82, 3 meters tall and 300 Kg weight, but every attack or defensive move drains 3 points of endurance. I read somewhere in this forum that big guys can move better their armors. But doesn't happen in my case... Not even with light armor. Fights lasting more than 8 or 9 rounds means bye bye.

The question is: should I increase Stamina stat or Stregnth stat? I just need some urgent help cause he's unbalancing pretty bad the whole stable win-loss statistics. While my other glad has a 80% wins, this one has a mere 1% which makes me want to gouge my eyes out. And I don't want to sell him because this is a really big guy with nice stats, but low stamina.

BTW, I increased 1 point to Str but nothing seems to change. Also I increased Stamina 1 point but only obtained 1 point of Endurance as a result, and so far only has 56 stamina. Do I need to increase that damned stamina stat up to 60+ manually or is there any way to do this to work?

Halp plis!!! Thanks.

09-29-2012, 07:13 AM
damn 35 endurance... like the enemy that we found doing contract

09-29-2012, 08:32 AM
That's what you get with a Trug, for their increased health and bleed resistance you have a massive endurance penalty. Your best bet is to focus training your weapon skill up to 10 as fast as you can so each of his hits will really count. Lowering his activity level too low will result in him almost never attacking and still passing out. Trugs are likely the hardest race to play early on and very hard if you are still new to the game.

If you are still new to the game and unfamiliar with how to overcome these challenges and worried about your stable's win/loss record you might consider either selling him or changing his race to something else if you want to keep him and then once you've got more fights under your belt you can give a Trug another go.

09-29-2012, 09:41 AM
That's what you get with a Trug, for their increased health and bleed resistance you have a massive endurance penalty. Your best bet is to focus training your weapon skill up to 10 as fast as you can so each of his hits will really count. Lowering his activity level too low will result in him almost never attacking and still passing out. Trugs are likely the hardest race to play early on and very hard if you are still new to the game.

If you are still new to the game and unfamiliar with how to overcome these challenges and worried about your stable's win/loss record you might consider either selling him or changing his race to something else if you want to keep him and then once you've got more fights under your belt you can give a Trug another go.

Makes much sense. Thanks for your answer.
I think I will sell him to slave market now that his lvl is still 2 i don't want to waste time with him since I started playing Pit of War yesterday and i prefer to go easy now. I spent wrong some points to str and sta instead weapon dmg. I will buy another glad that there is right now in market with some more normalized stats. Which is the best class for a TANK war glad? Urk, Human or Dunder?


09-29-2012, 10:14 AM
Spite probably, they get a bonus to defense if you want a really tank one