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View Full Version : Missing Training Points

09-11-2012, 05:24 AM
has this happened to anyone else? i've played every day, at least did full arena, usually filled out tavern, haven't updated my skills in a week, but all three of my gladiators have 0 training points. if nothing else i should have a few skill points from leveling up and that kill my third made yesterday. so here's my question. Where did my training points go?

09-11-2012, 10:45 AM
Unused training point are lost at the start of each new game day, so I recommand checking all your glads and using all of them all before you delog so you don't lose some again !

09-12-2012, 04:38 AM
that's kinda stupid, i can't really think of any significant reason for the game to be set up that way, even thematically, and especially since i can recall sometime last month where i once saw i had accidentally accrued over twenty training points on one gladiator because i had forgotten to allocate them the last couple of days.

09-12-2012, 05:07 AM
i can't really think of any significant reason for the game to be set up that way, even thematically

Easy, your glad didn't practice after learning and thus forgot the lessons, much like what happens in a lecture at school which is why you are supposed to do your homework right after class to reinforce what you learned.

especially since i can recall sometime last month where i once saw i had accidentally accrued over twenty training points on one gladiator because i had forgotten to allocate them the last couple of days

Doubtful, it's been like this since the game started. More than likely you either went and did a bunch of tavern contracts and then trained or you looked at the number of tavern contracts you have left on the overview screen and mistook it for training points.

As Narol said, best to log in each day when possible and tend to your stable, you'll also acquire more gold that way too since you'll be storing it in the bank safe from the spoils of war.