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View Full Version : New Update 09/03/2012! The Spoils of War!

09-03-2012, 03:10 AM
Greetings Pit Masters! The Great Realm has received another update!

New features and changes in this update:

Autumn is almost upon us and the Great Realm is celebrating by opening up their war chests and for the month of September SUPER, MASSIVE, HAPPY amounts of extra gold are being awarded everywhere from the Arena to the Pit Fights!

The Challenge and Avoid system has been upgraded to offer more information when selecting a gladiator.

If you initiate a challenge and win, the losing gladiator's Master must pay you the "Spoils of War" which is equal to a percentage of all their gold not in the bank.

Down challenging results in a smaller percentage than up challenging.

Defending against a challenge protects your gold and earns you extra gold for beating back the challenge!

There will be a 24 hour grace period before the Spoils of War begins so you'll have time to protect the gold you've accumulated thus far. During this time no spoils of war will be paid and no bonus for defending against a challenge will be rewarded.

The Bank Custodians are allowing Masters to store their gold deep within their vaults where it will be protected from the Spoils of War. Deposits are subject to a 10% service charge that is taken out of the amount deposited, withdrawals are free. During the grace period the service charge is being waived.

When one of your gladiators issues a challenge, a 15 minute cool down is set on the challenged gladiator and they can not make that exact same challenge again during the cool down, however another gladiator in your stable can. The cool down is specific to the two gladiators in question. So if A challenges B, A can not challenge B again for 15 minutes however B is free to challenge A, and C could challenge B, etc.

Top 10 gladiators in each bracket never have a cool down set on them.

Fixed links showing more banners for the refer-a-friend program

Lots of little bug fixes

Good luck in the Pits!


09-03-2012, 03:43 AM
It's just been brought to my attention that auto repair and auto heal are looking to pay the blacksmith or temple from gold not in the bank and if you deposit all your gold sometimes you won't have sufficient funds to pay them until you earn more. I'm fixing this so auto repair and auto heal fees will be paid from your bank account balance and if your bank account does not have sufficient gold it will then see if you have enough gold on you (i.e. not in the bank) to pay the fees. I'll let you know when this is live.

Good luck in the Pits!


09-03-2012, 04:32 AM
Would it not be better to pay the blacksmith and temple with gold on you and when you dont have enough gold on you switch to the bank for the gold?
There is the fee you are looking at for putting gold on your bank account after all aswell, I know im not the only 1 who wouldn't be happy seeing the gold i paid for to be "safe" being used first

09-03-2012, 04:44 AM
Would it not be better to pay the blacksmith and temple with gold on you and when you dont have enough gold on you switch to the bank for the gold?
There is the fee you are looking at for putting gold on your bank account after all aswell, I know im not the only 1 who wouldn't be happy seeing the gold i paid for to be "safe" being used first

Thanks for your feedback Prinny, I haven't started on this yet so nothing is set in stone. :)

Good luck in the Pits!


09-03-2012, 10:01 AM
Sweet! Love the update! Can't wait to get me some of those spoils of war! With all this extra gold you'll find me down at one of Jimmy's strip clubs "makin' it rain!" :cool:


09-05-2012, 06:22 AM
The grace period for the spoils of war has ended! Go now and challenge and destroy your enemies and take the spoils of war!

Good luck in the Pit!


09-05-2012, 06:32 AM
Sweet! Love the update! Can't wait to get me some of those spoils of war! With all this extra gold you'll find me down at one of Jimmy's strip clubs "makin' it rain!" :cool:

I wonder if Jimmy the Squid employs Trug strippers...just imagine how strong the pole would need to be to support all that weight!

09-05-2012, 06:57 AM
i just pillaged alot of stable's coffers and then banked my winnings. easiest 200k I've ever made. The extra info in challenge's is very nice i think i fought every other rage gladiator in the top 70 or so

09-05-2012, 07:32 AM
I wonder if Jimmy the Squid employs Trug strippers
Rumors in the Imperial guard stable, says he tried to hire Zeroeleven. Think that was the day before he was hauled away.

09-05-2012, 12:31 PM
Was a little skeptical regarding the whole bank business, but it certainly up-ed the challenge frequency...which I like. Now, if someone could just kick Oedi's pack off the mountain, I'll be happy...seems it's just growing.

09-05-2012, 01:12 PM
Now, if someone could just kick Oedi's pack off the mountain, I'll be happy...seems it's just growing.
Do I hear new Alliances with awesome names in the distance?:D

09-05-2012, 07:44 PM
Do I hear new Alliances with awesome names in the distance?:D

I think that might be exactly what you are hearing:)

09-05-2012, 08:05 PM
I hope these alliances don't start up again. I prefer a free for all. Plus it really limits the glads you fight.

09-05-2012, 09:09 PM
I hope these alliances don't start up again. I prefer a free for all. Plus it really limits the glads you fight.

Same for me, I didn't join in last time and I won't if it happens again this time :P

09-05-2012, 09:17 PM
I hope these alliances don't start up again. I prefer a free for all. Plus it really limits the glads you fight.

Crow, I'm shocked at you! You're always the one asking for more social stuff like chat. Guilds, clans whatever you want to call them are huge in that aspect and really get players engaged and involved. At least that is what I've see in all the other games I play. I think guilds would only be a boon to the game and really start to cause real rivalries, back and forth, revenge. Humans are tribal it's why we form countries all the way down to local street gangs. It is not in our nature to be "free-for-all" although there are always a few lone wolfs out there. I for one love the new update and if alliances are in the future I'm all for it and the new challenge mechanic makes it very easy to know what glads you should be attacking since you can now see their stable name.

Embrace the future Crow!!! ;)

09-05-2012, 09:46 PM
I agree with you Dain. Anything to help the game grow I am all for. Plus with the expanded challenge it makes it easier to find targets. I just remember at the height of the last war a few of my guys could only challenge 1-2 others because everyone else was either mine or Oedi's.

Okay I'm sold who wants to be on my team :)

09-05-2012, 10:12 PM
Oedi has enough glads to be his own clan, so I don't think anyone should team up with him unless a sufficient amount of players gets together to where the two opposing sides have similar numbers. Normally games have a guild feature which makes this thing a bit easier to manage, maybe Nate has that on the list of things to do, but until there is an in game solution I think the forums are it. If we were to start some clans in an organized fashion (unlike the organic way it usually happens, but I think it is fine to seed the ground here) I think it would work best to have 3 to start. I'd take a look at the rankings and see who commands the largest groups of glads and make them the clan leaders and then the rest can choose which team they want, or better yet, anyone who wants to be in a clan puts their name in a bucket and then the clan leaders start picking names like a draft to be on their team. We could try it out for a month or so and then if we want we could hold a new draft if enough people wanted to change things up, or maybe at that point your clan allegiance would be strong enough that you don't want to change.

So if we went with something like that I think the clan leaders would be:

Maybe Cyndiah? (if he's game and opened up his other team again since he was #1 before he took a break and had like 10 glads or so) or perhaps Caine.

Oedi and Crow command the most glads and are easy for the first two leaders, the 3rd becomes a bit more of a toss up as I can see a clear manager with a good number of glads under his command. If we do something like this we would need to:

1) Choose the clan leaders, I think Oedi and Crow are the obvious choices with a 3rd to be decided
2) Figure out how many glads each clan leader commands
3) Get all the managers who want to participate put their names down
4) Figure out how many draft picks each leader gets and in what order they do the picking.

Just throwing it out there, if people would prefer things to happen naturally that is also fine but I think the lack of a in game mechanic will make that much more difficult. Heck maybe we can get some of the old vets back as well like Kaos, Warmonger, Arkham and BlkTmplr now that would be epic!

What do you guys think?

09-07-2012, 11:39 AM
I'll be spectating.... All my guys are going to the Halls of Legends.... I just can't pass up building up a whole new set of glads.

In a month or two maybe I'll be able to join someone.

09-07-2012, 11:00 PM
I'm also not interested in Guilds or Alliances. Sticking with free-for-all UNTIL Official Content for Guilds/Alliances are released.

09-09-2012, 01:54 PM
So our epic Resistance alliance against the hegemony of The Imperium (Oedi/Crow) is offficially over, my friends Cyn and Caine ??

09-14-2012, 09:39 PM
First id like to say i do like this update. I dont challenge much myself, and I never avoid anyone, but it still has increased my exitement and involvement in the arena fights. I can log in just to see who challenged me:D.
I also bank all my gold after each game session :p my personal record is 126k with the imperial guards.

What i find a little strange is the selling pitch: risk vs. reward. There`s almost no risk, its more like a nearly guaranteed win with a possibly big reward. I still feel bad from taking all that gold on some of my challenges yesterday.
The no risk feeling has just grown now that the 2 most active challengers are back, Narol and Cynaidh. Its very little risk involved in their challenges and i dont blame them they got goals on their own and i got easy pickings around them, and i guess im a target no one will care for:).
One good thing has come out of this I now know whos next for Hall of Legends.

lastly Ill make another provacation, saying my way is the risky way, no challenges and no avoids. Then your # 1 and 2 can randomly macth up against your # 3 and beat him in 11 straight fights. I must say that did hurt when it happend.

if someone could just kick Oedi's pack off the mountain
Looks like your wish might come through HipsterD, but i doubt there will be room for your guys if they succeed;)

09-15-2012, 05:53 AM
I do challenge a lot :) I am still trying to figure out if i can beat those beasts you got at the top regularly with the glads i have available. I honestly think i would have done better with Zmash and Black Talon but they already retired, warriors are in a really good spot right now compared to the other 2 styles.

This is Ab Gold's last push to try to get to the top they got 2 weeks to get it done, once the 1st gets here all 5 of them are going to the Halls (Varurk got above 55% so they can all 5 go now) and then i'll be working on building up a new batch which will take awhile. Smak will be my only level 50 glad at that point.... well until he gets to 55% if he ever does.

09-22-2012, 08:24 PM
Looks like your wish might come through HipsterD, but i doubt there will be room for your guys if they succeed;)

You may be right in this, but I'll take my chances:)

Think I would have to spend some more time on strategy to really have a shot, and maybe a few new glads will bring back the enthusiasm. Just waiting for the 1st to roll around.