View Full Version : Hall of Legends

08-16-2012, 08:01 AM
The hall of Legends gained 2 gladiators today.

Sliver is now a free citizen. He leaves behind a great legacy of being one of the first great 2 hand ragers to walk on the sands of the arena. Known for his powerful shots and his immense number of kills and even reached as high as the top 3 in the arena at one point in his career.

Alpha II is also a free citizen. A one time regular on the top 10 of the arena and undersized war with great abilities. The last few months of the arena wore on him and it was surely time to retire.

Everyone give a toast to these great warriors and wish them the best on their journey.

08-16-2012, 09:30 AM
Cups up... Hoes Down!

08-16-2012, 12:35 PM
3 of mine entered hall of legends today. Farum, the very first gladiator to enter, novalar and nineeightyone. Farum has been played activly the last few weeks to to bump his W/L ratio from 54,5% to his entry W/L at 55%. Novalar has a great W/L ratio over 61% but he never was able to play with the very best. Hes been dead for a few months, and hes still dead when i finally got his freedom. Nineeightyone was recently a top 10 primus, and retired at around rank 15.

08-16-2012, 07:49 PM
Tourach has been retired. ^_^ soon to be followed by prey :). Prey will be retired after the new skill update and i know where I'm going with a new build

08-17-2012, 02:37 AM
I dunno about Prey....there is something about that glad....one of the few glads that i can't seem to even beat once, it's like an arena challenge to me. I'm not ready for Prey to go!

08-17-2012, 03:01 AM
Hmmm...That's a freaking good idea!!! We should have a vote in a few months on who the top 10 glads in the Hall Of Legends (HOL) are and make them Tier 7 of the arena challenges, Maybe tier 7 could be a rotating tier with bi-monthly votes to see who is going to be featured. Or it could automatically rotate bi-monthly through the entire HOL. Is there really ANYONE who couldn't get behind that idea, it would be just one more way to keep the game nice and fresh. Please give a +1 -1 vote in this thread and maybe with enough votes behind it our kind president Dr. Nate will make this baby happen.

Buzz- Seven Seas

Manager of WTK, Dragon City, Dirty Dogs, and Seven Seas

10-04-2012, 07:13 PM
I retired Summit on the first of the month. Being one of the oldest glads in the game and my second glad to command, he deserved his freedom. A true legend in the hall, he sat on the throne of the Primus for about a month. I have many fond memories of him beating up on Team Kaos, and the whining from Kaos afterwards was always amusing.

Toast to you my friend good luck on your journey.