View Full Version : Upcoming retirements

07-18-2012, 06:18 PM
With Nate about to release the hall of legends, I plan on selling my glad Sliver first. with almost 1900 victories, almost 200 kills and a 2hand rage with a 61% win ratio I believe he more than deserves the honor. He is also one of the first 2hand rages to step onto the sands. Please everyone feel free to challenge him and give him a well deserved exit from the arena.
After I get settled on a new glad to replace Sliver, then next glad to retire will be Echo with over 1700 wins and 130+ kills, and he once sat on the throne of the arena. Add in a nice 63.4% win ratio he has done pretty good for a defensive theatrics. Again he has fought on the sands since the early days of the games release. Also feel free to challenge him at will.

07-19-2012, 12:43 AM
I've always thought Sliver was a beast and Echo has always been tough, I think they'll make fine additions to the hall of legends. Might be I grant some of my old timers their freedom as well and start the climb with a new batch!

07-19-2012, 10:59 AM
ive gone through my list of gladiators and found 15 eligible gladiators, of those I will consider retireing these:
Novalar my first all defensive theatric. He was almost great. Hes been spending the last few months dead and will never see action again.
Narvalo the very first last stand theatric, infact he was the very first non rage to learn last stand. 11 months ago he, orm and farum was dominating the arena.
Farum another early experimental theatric with 50 war skills.
Nineeightyone currently # 4 in primus. I want an all zero something team for imperial guards.

07-19-2012, 09:46 PM
I'll be retireing tourach shortly. followed by prey.