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View Full Version : Arena Team Fights

07-14-2012, 05:39 AM
Hi to everyone i know that someone can already have posted a similar thing to this post but anyway let me explain this :)

As title suggests itīs like a team match fight, what makes it different is that you and other player will fight against other players in a 1vs1 mode,

(as example lets consider subject A and B from team 1 and subject X and Y from team 2) Player A randomly will fight against player X or Y (in a 1vs1 normal fight) now lets see what could happen:

Case 1 - Player A wins, player X/Y lost so he cant fight anymore, Player B lost in this case the Player A will fight the one that defeated the player B. Yet this has the exception that player A and the one that won to B will maintain their current health level and status like serious injury or blending. Quiet nice.

Case 2 - Player A and B won, reward is doubled?(5% / 10% a normal arena fight)

those are 2 possible cases that could happen in a arena team fight as well there could have "teamwork kill" achievments (this is just for example)

Also i want to apogolize for my REALLY BAD English and i want to thank you for reading this suggestion hopping that this dont waste your precious time. bye.