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View Full Version : Help:Slave

07-07-2012, 10:08 AM
I hope you all are not too much bored by the usual question: is it worth to buy this slave/give up an existant one? As I'm pretty new I still have to get really into PoW (I do really enjoy it though. Thumbs up!).
Here the stats:
Strenght Intellect Agility Stamina Size Presence Chi
58 67 86 56 53 65 84
I've never seen a slave with two stats that high, although Chi seems not that useful (for a newbie like me), but kind of interesting. I'm thinking of a sword DW rage spite (chance for more crit at the expense of damage seems ok as i have already low strenght and more defense for my low health) or trug (more hit points)?
Any opinion is really appreciated. Thanks.

07-07-2012, 12:55 PM
The idea of a DW rage sounds good, but I would go for a Dunder as race, a spite would do very little damage and you might have trouble with heavy/medium armors and fast ragers don't really need the hp bonus of the trug as they almost always hit first...

Alba Kebab
07-07-2012, 08:57 PM
With 58 str a spite will do very little damage, you still need to get through your opponent's defence and deal damage first before any crits are possible. You would be better off picking another race.
Raging trugs are not something a beginner should try, stick to something easier for your first few glads.

07-08-2012, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the input.