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View Full Version : Introducing, Tina Returner

05-28-2012, 03:33 AM
I've just started a new theatric, and i was wondering what people thought of the vision i have for her.

Dunder. 73, 64, 73, 67, 87, 67, 59.

I wanted to go for a slow, hard hitting, high defence, shield-bearing, hammer/axe wielding, counter attacking fighter. The idea was with her high size, and decent strength and agility, she can wear the the heaviest medium armour and the biggest shield, so wont take too much damage per hit. I was going to go mainly for a counter attack style. My understanding of counter attack is every time you take a hit you give one back, so high defence/armour and good strength with a slow weapon should mean i generally give back more than i take. Combined with high size (health) i should out last the other guy.

With a bit of fiddling with fight strategy, hopefully i can get it so that if i do meet a 2 handed fighter i can go defensive and create distance until they tire, then jump in a start beating them with my club when they're defence is down. I know my stamina isn't great, so may have to train the endurance skills in the theatrics tree, although this could be tricky because i wanna go heavily into rage so i can hit properly on the counter.

Any ideas/comments?

When should I start using my shield becauise i tried to equip it before id trained in it and it almost lost me the battle!


05-28-2012, 04:14 AM
I was going to go mainly for a counter attack style. My understanding of counter attack is every time you take a hit you give one back, so high defence/armour and good strength with a slow weapon should mean i generally give back more than i take.

Counter Attck will not allow you to attack more than you normally would given your other settings. For example if the max number of attacks your gladiator gets based on your other settings is 3 and your opponent hits you 6 times you'll still only attack 3 times, not 6.

Good luck in the Pit!


05-28-2012, 04:49 AM
Ah. That kind of ruins the plan... So why would you ever use counter attack? If you can only attack as much as you would anyway, but you have to wait to get hit first? Wouldn't you be better off going slash/bash etc and getting the hits in first?

05-28-2012, 05:06 AM
CounterAttack + Last Stand gives you the extra attacks ^_~.

05-28-2012, 06:10 AM
How does that work? Doesn't last stand kind of give you extra attacks no matter which fight strategy you use? It basically stops you from losing and potentially allows a few more hits in. I don't understand counter-attack..

05-28-2012, 07:30 AM
Counter Attack is useful because it allows you to get in hits before you normally would have. If you use bash or something similar maybe your opponent will get in 2 or 3 hits before you attack once. In those 2 or 3 hits you might get disarmed, stunned or knocked down thus making your first hit less powerful or useless, or you might have already lost the fight by that time. CA is very useful against the DW fast rages who might land numerous attacks on you before you even blink! So your original idea is not a bad one, give it a shot and see how it does and you just might find a new build that is competitive as this game is far from "solved".

05-28-2012, 07:41 AM
Ok thanks Dainoji, i understand now. Im thinking maybe i'd be better off duel wielding axes rather than going with a shield, so i can get extra attacks in. Does duel wielding double your attacks? How many more attacks would i expect to see from duel wielding? I notice shields give defence not armour. So does that mean i'd be more liekly to parry with a shield, and do i counter attack if i parry? And i understand that with a high defence, the hits that do get through tend to do less damage?

Sorry, and 1 more question; does CA count as an offensive or defensive style in terms of triggering abilities? I take it you can trigger an ability on a counter attack?

Sorry for so many questions, i'd just like to have a decent idea of how the fight strategy works before i invest so much emotional energy in this glad. Cheers!

Alba Kebab
05-28-2012, 04:37 PM
Shield will give you armour if you intercept the hit in time with your shield, I think...(anyone correct me on this one?)

05-29-2012, 08:58 AM
Counter Attack is a defensive style.

Dual wielding doesn't give you extra-attacks in itself, but if your second weapon is faster than the main one, you may sometimes get additional main hand attacks as the hand with which you attack is random (with same speed weapons it's 66 % main hand / 33% second hand) and you also get "dual bonus" if your second weapon is green/blue/purple with bonus too...

07-03-2012, 03:10 PM
Maybe i saw her..., did she die? x:
Was a gladiator like "Tina Turner" or "Tina Returner", im sure for Tina, but the other name im not.
If so, im sorry >_<.