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05-23-2012, 05:53 PM
Hmm, sadly I haven't had the time in life to return for the past few months. I love this game and keep checking in and healing up glads but it's like visiting a grave at the moment...
So, instead of letting it decompose, why not give a new-ish player a nice head start (provided Nate and Eric have no probs with it that is, if either of you do then please let me know and I will delete the thread).


Gold: About 170k

Trophies: About 40

Level 49 - All Green War, DW Axes & Maces:
One of my original glads and the eldest of the stable, he's had a rough life with a few problems in the skill tree. Still the backbone of the stable and satisfactory performer.

Level 47 - Green and Blue War, Polearm:
The first shining star in Team Deathblow, her debut on the sands was a 100-5-5. Sadly, from level 15+ (as all War do) she struggled to keep the record. With sterling stats Ela holds her own.

Level 50 - Purple and Green Rage, DW Swords:
Of all Team Deathblows gladiators, Ivory alone has competed with the best of them. First to Primus and only current level 50, she made a name for the stable and did her master proud. A great skill tree which is on it's way to a conclusion she just needs some TLC (in other words, purples) to be a top glad.

Level 44 - Rainbow Rage, DW Swords:
A mirror image of her older sister Ivory, she sadly doesn't perform as well considering they were bought 2 days apart. With that said, Lillith has no great shortcomings and can do as well as her sister given time.

Level 32 - Purple and Green Rage, 2H:
Monster. The only word to describe Krak. The only power leveled gladiator in Team Deathblow, due to this he has struggled in the skills department but has more than made up for it with incredible stats. Lands consistent bone-breaking hits with his purple Dreamwood Giant Club.

(Also notable is that every gladiator in this stable has been skilled offensively, defense is boring. XD )

To quell any questions I would like to say that -if- I manage to come back to Pit of War I think a new account would be the best way to do so (in other words I wont ask for this account back :P ).

Anyone who is interested please don't respond to this thread. Send me a private message, I will make my decision ASAP and will reply to the new owner with the details. The name of the new Stable Master will be posted on this thread by me.


05-23-2012, 05:55 PM
Anyone wants to contact me directly, feel free to email:


05-28-2012, 09:48 PM
Hmm, no one interested?