View Full Version : Differences between weapons

05-23-2012, 05:53 AM
Is there any difference between weapons apart from speed, damage and bleed? For example, what's the point in war glads having the privelage of using polearms? Aren't they just like 2 handed weapons? Are some weapons better at armour piercing than others (like a spear for example?) and do maces lead to more stuns etc? I was just wondering if all this makes a difference.

Alba Kebab
05-23-2012, 06:10 AM
Polearms use different stats to 2h weapons, and as the stat used suggest they are not as cumbersome as the 2h weapons. Parrying with a halberd/spear is fine, but parrying with a giant 2 hand maul should be very difficult - in fact you probably shouldn't parry with them ever.

Common sense would suggest blunt weapons should be the best vs armor, from what I heard, stunning and knock out should have more to do with accuracy and luck than weapon type used.

05-23-2012, 07:16 AM
Common sense would suggest that tiny daggers are best for bleeding opponents to death, assuming the attacks can make it through armor.

05-23-2012, 07:36 AM
Y'all are on the right track. There are positives and negatives for every weapon. Best thing to do is think about the weapon you are using and build your glad's skills around the weapon and the fight style that you want to use with him/her.

Alba Kebab
05-23-2012, 07:50 PM
Actually I'd think claws would cause the best bleeding rather than daggers, and disarming with claws should be good too, but good luck finding a pair for both hands in the blacksmith...