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View Full Version : Here is your big chance!

05-20-2012, 09:40 PM
I've decided to go inactive till the next big update be it the new styles or conquests.

With 90% of my glads having their skills maxed out, and 60% of them being Olympians now in Ab Gold and Ba Gold, I've actually gotten bored of it just being the same old fights in primus, blood games never really did much for me the randomness of the match ups makes it kinda blah for me (good luck narol on this months btw!) so for the past week or two its just been going threw the motions everyday.

Crow and Oedi it has been fun fighting it out against you two in the top of primus, i hope we end up getting more alliances so there is more diversity of opponents in the top 25. I want you guys to know it has been fun fighting you two, i certainly still consider you two to be two of the top managers in the game.

Caine and Narol its been fun fighting beside you two and feel free to knock my guys out of there and take those top spots before Crow and Oedi do! I hope the resistance keeps going and I'll want back in on the fun once the game has a bit more to do.

So today i started letting achievements fall off, the auto repairs and auto healers are paid for over a month on both accounts, and as long as they are still in the top 10 i'll try and log in ever couple of days and do a fight so you at least have to work for it a bit to take the spots from them. :)

05-21-2012, 12:31 PM
Welcome to the club!
Ive been doing that pretty much this whole month now, I only get on once every 2-3 days to repair armor :P

05-22-2012, 01:09 PM
Even half-inactive, you're gonna be hard to kick out the first places !

05-22-2012, 03:02 PM
Aww, I just started laddering with Wargh again. Gonna be sad that your army isnt going to be 100% active

Already gone from #113 to #28 in 1 week and no extra fights/membership. Now to see how Wargh goes against the remaining big guns.

05-28-2012, 06:41 AM
Ok, seems I have seized my chance, my knock-out Theatrics Amergin finally took the Primus Throne...

I'm the first surprised as in my opinion he's not my best glad, but being abble to score lucky knock-out even against the toughest opponents help... Let's see how long he can stay up there...

05-28-2012, 09:53 AM
i could have been up challenging? ive just but getting to the resistance ranks and doing random fights. :)

05-28-2012, 12:49 PM
I didn't challenged with Amergin either, he kinda got on the throne by accident and already falled from it !

05-31-2012, 03:54 AM
Congrats Cynaidh for Cel's victory in the Blood Games of May !

I was a little sceptical at first about your concept of a stamina-based theatric trug, but I must admit it works, she's a monster !!

05-31-2012, 10:23 AM
Thank Narol, and grats on taking the primus top spot!

I am actually going fully retired now, i just logged into to remove all my guys from this months bloodgames so that they wont be easy marks. :)

05-31-2012, 12:30 PM
Sorry to see you go.

05-31-2012, 02:27 PM
Thank Narol, and grats on taking the primus top spot!

I am actually going fully retired now, i just logged into to remove all my guys from this months bloodgames so that they wont be easy marks. :)

Sorry to see you go, but like all games when you get to the end the excitement wears off. You certainly became one of the best and most creative managers this game has ever had. Not since Team Kaos dominated the top of the rankings have we seen one manager's group stay so entrenched at the top and maintain it against all comers. Hope you decide to come back when Nate releases the conquests, because it sounds like it will be one massive part of the game with lots of new things to do. Best of luck to you and pop back in on occasion.

06-01-2012, 11:18 PM
sad panda :'(

06-09-2012, 01:38 PM
Are you back, my friend ?

I just saw you took back the top 2 spots !

06-09-2012, 02:40 PM
I'm not sure if he's back or not but i wont challenge tigers or cyn's stables. :)

06-09-2012, 04:50 PM
Kinda back, Crow pointed out to me that i could just scale back and still play guessing that's what a lot of managers are doing right now, so only running 5 glads right now who where my favorites, just planning on running the gold achievements on my guys so they wont be as good as they where before (i ran all achievement slots on my guys but i am sure you knew that) but i also wont have a massive trophie cost to pay for each month to see how it goes for a bit, probably an every other day kinda play :)

But ya i defiantly wont be challenging you two at all.

06-09-2012, 05:41 PM
Does that make me the wise old man of the game. I think I might change my name to "The Godfather" :)

Now show me some respect you whippersnappers :)