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05-17-2012, 02:40 AM
I have only been playing for a couple days, so I need some help understanding endurance.
I bought a new slave with 77 stamina and 69 size. Whenever I equip or unequip an item, his endurance changes from 46 to 77. If I leave the equipment screen and look at overview or do battles, it drops to 46. I'm in all light armor and fully geared with shield, I am only 21% encumbered (green). If I understand the game correctly, if this bar is green I should suffer no penalties. I tried removing all gear and leaving equipment screen, endurance still dropped to 46. I put him in medium armor, 34% encumbered, and endurance is still 46. He is Trug, but I can't imaging a racial penalty being this awful. Can someone explain this for me please?

05-17-2012, 04:19 AM
it's because he is a trug. the penalty to their endurance makes them prettymuch unplayable early on.

run activity and bloodlust at 2, and wear light armor. that's all i can really suggest.

once you have some of the achievements that give endurance or stamina get unlocked, use them.

05-17-2012, 05:56 AM
Thank you for the reply.

I had a feeling it had something to do with race, but a 40% penalty seemed a bit excessive. My amount of endurance doesn't change between light armor and heavy armor, so I guess I'll stick with heavy. I have thought about taking the 1k gold loss on the slave and purchasing a different one. Would you suggest buying another slave to chose a different race, or should I stick with this slave?

05-17-2012, 12:25 PM
Thank you for the reply.

I had a feeling it had something to do with race, but a 40% penalty seemed a bit excessive. My amount of endurance doesn't change between light armor and heavy armor, so I guess I'll stick with heavy. I have thought about taking the 1k gold loss on the slave and purchasing a different one. Would you suggest buying another slave to chose a different race, or should I stick with this slave?

Trugs get a very good health buff and bleeding resistance, so they need the big penalty for balancing reasons. All you need to do is get your weapons skill up as fast as you can and run with a low AL and BL in the meantime and as your weapon skill increases you can slowly up your AL and BL. Having said that they are probably the most difficult race to play in the early stages for this reason and even more so for new players.

05-17-2012, 01:12 PM
wear light armor. being encumbered eats your endurance.

If it is your first glad, I'd suggest selling him off for something else. you'll probably find better stats too because starting slaves suck :P

05-19-2012, 05:10 AM
This was my 2nd and I got a solid starter glad who has a 30-7 record. This Trug has significantly better stats than my starter, so I was kind of confused by his massive failure. I tried all sorts of configurations and tactics, but if I try to do damage I burn out way too fast, if I try to conserve energy I still end up tiring before the opponent. It doesn't help that I chose 1h and shield. I think I am going to get rid of the Trug, even though I know the next slave probably won't be a keeper. I found a slave that has better stats than my current gladiators, although his best stat is size: 67 77 66 76 82 56 68. There is another cheaper slave that might be a better option: 70 53 75 83 68 54 75. Any suggestions?

Thanks for all the help!

05-19-2012, 05:56 AM
lose the shield grab an offhand weapon to increase your damage output. you're trying to kill them before you tire out and a shield doesnt help that idea.

05-20-2012, 04:03 AM
Does wearing no armor have any difference on a gladiator (other than armor value) compared to wearing the maximum amount of armor without getting encumbered?

05-20-2012, 04:49 AM
I have been looking for off hand weapons, but they seem to be somewhat rare. I've seen one at the blacksmith but the item level was too high.

Wearing absolutely nothing has the same effect on my endurance as wearing all heavy armor (35% encumbrance). They both gave me 46 endurance.

I ended up buying a bunch of gear to try out but eventually ended up "selling" that glad for one with better stats (yay, no gold for selling glads?). Decided to hold off on buying another since I was relatively low on gold. My main glad lost 3 offensive arena fights in a row. Got two injuries in the process and was then attacked and killed right after I spent most of my gold healing him. Now I am left with only 1 dead glad. Talk about a change of luck. It's been a learning experience for sure, but it's time to start over I think. :P

05-20-2012, 07:41 AM
changing to lighter armor means you use up your endurance at a slower pace.

offhand weapons are available at around lvl 5 iirc, so you should find some.