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View Full Version : Game Update!

01-18-2011, 02:22 AM
The following changes will go live between the 1/18 2pm fight and the 1/19 2am fight:

Changes to Total Parry
Total Parry will from here on out will be known as "Tank". When a gladiator is tanking he is basically looking to absorb as much damage as possible in the hopes to tire out his opponent. While in tank mode a certain % of damage from every hit will go towards his "tanking health" and the rest will pass though to his actual health. Once the Tanking Health is gone all damage will go towards his real health. Bigger and better armour will be more significant in this regard since total damage dealt will be less due to the stronger armour material and higher armour value.

Suggestions on how to Tank (n' Spank)
I'll leave the details to all of you to figure out but in general you'll want to trigger on something to start going offensive. Your opponent's endurance would be a good bet, but there may be other triggers that make sense as well.

Old School Method
You can still try and tire out your opponent however there is a bit of risk involved now because if you are inactive for a period of time the crowd and Enforcer will see to it that you are punished for your lack of activity.

Changes to the Parry-X styles
With the recent changes to Total Parry there have also been some changes to the Parry-X styles, so you may want to start playing with them a bit if you aren't already. In general they attack more now.

My gladiator is still passing out to tanks
Yes, this can still happen, it is still a win condition. If you are not spec'd to get around or get through defense then you may suffer losses this way. The above changes however have made this win condition more difficult to achieve without risk to themselves.

I don't want to use training points on skills that get around defense
That is certainly your right and you may find success, however if you see you are surrounded by a lot of defensive gladiators then be sure to use your challenges and avoids to get more favorable matchups.

I have a question!
As usual, I won't be answering any questions about the internals of how things work, that is your job to figure out, however if you have a question that isn't related to how the internals work then by all means, ask away! ;)

