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View Full Version : Theatrics need fishnet to go with the Trident !

04-21-2012, 03:27 AM
In Roman Arena, the famous Retarii style of gladiator where using Trident and Fishnet and were quite popular, they probably inspired the theatrics of PoW quite a lot...

We already have the trident but the fishnet is missing for the off-hand, it would be cool to have one available...

Personnally, I would see it as a light but slow weapon doing no-damage but with a powerful special ability : "trapping".

Someone successfully hit by a net would then be in the state "trapped" (like there is a state "blind") , with 2 main consequences : been unable to attack/parry and having a penalty to defense... He would probably be also unable to pick up a dropped weapon...

Getting out of the net wouldn't be necessarily long but would require a successful agility test, so clumsy gladiators would be the ones suffering the most of it...

Overall that would have an effect quite similar to hamstring, preventing a few attacks if the opponent takes too long to get out of the net, and give a temporary advantage to the net holder that he can use to strike one or two deadly blows with the main hand (especially if he uses a trident !).

What do you think of it, Nate and Eric ?

04-23-2012, 01:35 AM
Nets and other entangling weapons are in the the todo list. :)

04-23-2012, 05:11 AM
Thanks Nate, you rock !

04-24-2012, 12:50 AM
On first glance I thought this thread said "Theatrics needs fishnets!" I pictured in my mind the female theatrics glad in some black ones and she didn't look half bad! ;)

04-24-2012, 10:26 AM
lol that would be uber-sexy, Dainoji ! I'm already starting to fantasize about it too...