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View Full Version : Unexplained bleeding

01-13-2011, 03:32 PM
A number of times I have noticed unexplained increases in my bleeding rates, they look like this...

R O U N D 4
MERIC parries a strike and lunges forward with his EPIC STABBER.

An unimpressive injury occurs on MEGA MEATBAG's ear. (+8 Damage)
MEGA MEATBAG moves with unbridled energy.
MEGA MEATBAG nearly falls as he attacks with his HEROIC BATTLE FLAIL.

MEGA MEATBAG tries to knock MERIC down with the force of the blow! (-Barreling Attack-)
With what appears to be a parry of some sort, MERIC thwarts MEGA MEATBAG's attack.

Hand of God
01-13-2011, 07:24 PM
Skill points in Gratuitous Violence. Meric is a Theatric fighter.

Although some fighters seem to cause more bleeding injuries (Wolfraven) then others. I'm leaning towards weapon choice as part of the reason too combined with the GV skill.

01-13-2011, 07:47 PM
That may be, but it is still not listed, hence unexplained.

01-13-2011, 08:35 PM
Passive skills don't display when they are used.

01-14-2011, 01:27 AM
Dainoji and HOG are correct, Gratuitous Violence doesn't indicate when it goes off since it would start to get rather spammy. This is true of all passive skills. Perhaps down the road we could put a small unobtrusive symbol when passive skills are used for things like this at the end of the damage sentence to help remove confusion.


01-14-2011, 06:18 AM
Speaking of this....

I had a battle last week, I believe, in which my Theatrics glad caused Bleeding in his opponent without even hitting him. I may have missed something, but I went over the Blow-by-Blow a few times and couldn't find a hit notification near the time he started bleeding. It was a small bleed...only 2 points...but it seemed to have come out of nowhere. He does have Lvl 5 GV.

I don't have the fight saved, obviously, but I'll keep looking in my upcoming fights to see if it happens again.

Team Kaos
01-14-2011, 11:58 AM
I had a battle last week, I believe, in which my Theatrics glad caused Bleeding in his opponent without even hitting him. I may have missed something, but I went over the Blow-by-Blow a few times and couldn't find a hit notification

Usually when the display box of the bleeding is showing, the hit has already been landed on the previous hit.
Although, I too have seen phantom bleeding, but when such events occur it usually coincides with the attack hitting or glancing off armor and despite not causing damage points. Perhaps a small welt is causing internal bleeding.

02-02-2011, 11:23 AM
Gratuitous Violence is one of the best skills for a Theatrics gladiator to have at a fair level. That "unexplained bleeding" has won me more duels than my fancy footwork! I have hit opponents with an off-the-rack Knuckle Duster, causing only 1 point of "real" damage, but +8 points Bleeding damage. The highest Bleeding damage I have been able to inflict in one match was 84 points per round. Mind you, that's cumulative damage, not in one hit. Still, it's like getting a free crit every round!

Team Kaos
02-02-2011, 03:22 PM
Gratuitous Violence is one of the best skills for a Theatrics gladiator to have at a fair level. That "unexplained bleeding" has won me more duels than my fancy footwork! I have hit opponents with an off-the-rack Knuckle Duster, causing only 1 point of "real" damage, but +8 points Bleeding damage. The highest Bleeding damage I have been able to inflict in one match was 84 points per round. Mind you, that's cumulative damage, not in one hit. Still, it's like getting a free crit every round!

Even now though, it seems some fighters cause more bleeding wounds then others even when evenly trained in GV. Wolfraven is notorius for causing bleeding at an amazing rate. As is Power Slave of late, he has been inflicting very large point bleeds on opponents over the last 10 or so fights after only scoring very mild bleeds previously.
And other Theatrical fighters with similiar GV skill come no where near the same magnitude or frequency, at least that I have seen.
I am guessing it may have a lot to do with weapon choice and style too, as a lunging or slashing sword would inflict more open wounds then a bashing mace.

I'm trying to figure out what seems to be the key to the knockout.
Solstice seems to be becoming very adept at knocking opponents out. In his last 10 or so matches I believe he has knocked out at 3 or 4 of them. And he has not yet begun training in the knockout skill yet.

02-03-2011, 11:43 AM
I've been using both Lunge and Slash with one of my guys, and have noticed what "appears" to be an increase in bleeding damage with the slash attack over the lunge. So, you are probably correct...there is likely more involved than simple skill level in GV. Weapon type, Blood Lust, Armor type, Attack Power....all of these must certainly play a role in the bleeding calcs.

As for the Knockout, I'm assuming there is a small base chance for a KO each time the head is hit (also likely effected by attack power, weapon type, etc), and that chance is increased with each level of the Knockout skill. None of my fighters have the KO skill yet, and I haven't had any luck knocking anyone out in the Arena, but several of my guys have KO'd the guys from the Tavern (and, on one occasion, been KO'd by them). One of the gladiators from The Jesters or Lordsoflight stables (not sure which) was recently KO'd in the Arena. He had taken several hits to the head in that battle, and the last one knocked him out. Perhaps there is an increased cumulative chance with each successive hit??

All of my gladiators in all of my stables have been aiming for the head for the past few weeks, in an effort to figure it out. So...you might want to buy that purple helm, after all. :)

02-03-2011, 01:47 PM
If he's getting a ton of KO's I suspect it's due to:

1) Fast attacking weapon
2) Having points in Called Shot
3) Targeting the head
4) Luck

Grainted by hitting the head more often, it's more than likely triggering the chance of a KO more often so he's mitigating his luck in his favor.

02-04-2011, 09:31 AM
I'm not certain, but I believe a critical to the head *may* be one of the requirements for a KO. Two of my fighters KO'd their opponents in Tavern matches this morning, both after a critical to the head, and neither have the KO skill. One shot was for upwards of 90+ hp, the other was significantly less, so I'm pretty sure the damage level isn't much of a factor. All of my gladiators do target the head, though, as standard operating procedure. It will be interesting to track this one, and see which factors have the biggest effect on recieving and dealing a KO.

02-04-2011, 02:10 PM
Ah....during the 2 pm battle today two of my fighters from seperate stables engaged one another. During Round 13, Wermacht scored a 54 point critical to Darla's head, and knocked her out. She had 109 health and 35 stamina left at the time.

So, it looks like a Critical to the head greatly increases the chances for a Knockout. Wermacht, being a War fighter, has no skill level in Knockout.

Just F.Y.I.

02-04-2011, 02:22 PM
And, my guy Omega just got knocked out by Echo (who is a Theatrics glad, and may have the KO skill). Again, a critical to the Head.

02-04-2011, 03:29 PM
I think called shot and luck has alot to do with it. Because Echo is one of my boys and he only has trains in weapon skill and called shot. Quite frankly I don't know why he wins such a high percentage of his fights

02-04-2011, 04:21 PM
Called Shot seems to be one of the more effective skills. I'm guessing you were aiming at my guy's head when you hit me? I checked after the battle, and it appears that I was defending my Torso (???), and had my AL and BL set to 7/3, as well...when they should have been 10/10 with that guy (adjusted them to fight an Arena Challenge and never re-set them for the sands). Not that the AL and BL would have made much difference against a solid Knockout.

At any rate, if you start getting skill levels in Knockout, coupled with that Called Shot, you'll likely see a serious increase in your KO count. You hit me with a 67 point critical to the noggin, which I'm pretty sure, now, is a requirement for the KO. I haven't seen anyone knocked out with a regular hit, yet...

Oh...Echo also has Level 3 in Brute Force, which makes a big difference in the amount of damage he's able to deal with that Epic-level Vorpal Sabre. At level 10 you're probably fighting opponents with less-than-optimal skill sets and armor, and that sword and force combo are likely cleaving right through it. At any rate, Echo has a great record....I hope to put a dent in it next time I see him :)