View Full Version : Some really screwed up fights

Sinning Sins
03-16-2012, 03:48 PM
I don't know whats wrong with my guy but I bought a slave with 70 for its lowest stat and that would be height and i have it so its at 15% weight on him and it says he is being weighed down in fights? I see people with lower stats than me and they are carrying like 25% more armour than me and they don't get weighed down and then my guy has never won a fight out of 213 fights, not a single one and he has never died or gotten an injury. He always loses from exhaustion?! So I went and switched his attack styles so that he didn't have higher than 2 for his activity level and now he doesn't even last a round without passing out or losing from exhaustion? How the HELL does that freaken work!?!?!? Only 2 or 3 attacks are used and he can't stay up for that long? Is it like new slaves or something to where they are some 900lbs losers and it just says differently?

03-16-2012, 05:45 PM
What is the name of your slave ?

Can you post a sample of your fights here so we see what happens ?

03-16-2012, 09:52 PM
Wow, I also would like to see some fight reports and possibly name and rank of the gladiator in concern.