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View Full Version : Arena Coins= recharging at 6 hr instead of 3

03-16-2012, 02:08 AM
Sorry if this has been posted (took a quick scan on all the subject line in the "Bug Reports" forum and no one mention this yet), but i believe there a bug with my arena coins.

I'm new and just started a few days ago (would love to mention that this is a great game by the way).

But during my quick read over the announcement forum, i saw that Nate posted (on 02-09-2012) that there are several features being implemented to "speed up the game. One of which is that arena coins are being "recharge" every 3 hours.

Currently, my arena coins are still recharging at a rate of every 6 hrs. Can someone please check if this is a bug or not. My starting champion is a female which (based on what i read in the forum) is a "new" feature in this game. Could that be the case of the bug?

the max amount of daily contract i can do at the tavern is 20 and i got a max of 50 energy, so that good. It just that the arena coins being "given" to me is every 6 hrs instead of the suppose 3 hrs that was mention in the announcement.

03-16-2012, 02:56 AM
tokens are now given out every 6th hour but if your a member in the blood academy youll get 2 tokens instead of 1.
blood academy youll find under stable upgrades/memberships.

03-16-2012, 03:37 AM
You're correct Jart but there has also been another update since then.

Here is the link: http://forum.pitofwar.com/showthread.php?1023-New-Updates-Stable-Memberships-amp-More!

03-17-2012, 07:15 PM
Thank you for posting that link, BlkTmplr. I did not see that post in the announcement.

It answer my question, thank you.