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View Full Version : Keeping it fun

03-13-2012, 10:30 PM
I think it's time to start thinking of ways to keep new players playing.

1. The stable slots need to be purchase by way of gold. It's just more exciting to run 5 glads than 2. I think it takes too long to save up 90 trophies to get to capacity, and in the mean time you can do nothing else that requires trophies (like getting decent glads).

2. The first few vault spaces should also be gold cost, maybe 4-5.

I don't think either one of these two suggestions would cause much loss in revenue, but the potential up side is huge.

Narol had a great idea about armor that I think should be considered, maybe more for parity in the game than anything else...but it would lead to more players sticking around for the long haul.

3. Blue and purple items be bought for gold. Maybe includ this in the new membership package as an expert blacksmith and add 5 trophies to the over all cost and 15 for the individual purchase.

Team Ziggler recently suggested that the team name should be a link that takes you to the current glads of the team and the past with individual records and perhaps date of purchas and sale. And a hall of fame.

4. Any type of type of search tool or link between team and glads would be a great improvement. In Team Zigglers idea could also include links to the glads recent fights.

5. Hall of Fame.
The Hall of Fame would only include retired glads. Criteria could be based on performance in blood games, time on primus throne, number of wins, number of kills or a sampler from the Hall of Records.

6. Hall of Records.
Top 10 of all time in a variety of categories like most wins, most team wins, most kills most wins blood games, most won blood games, most kills blood games, most team blood games wins, days on primus throne, team days on primus throne, win percentage each level of game, most titles (number of different level thrones and so on...you probably get the picture:-) Juat a basic collection of stats that would give props to the managers of the teams. As opposed to the Hall of Fame, this would include both veteran & newer teams and glads which is I think key to keeping it fun.

6. On site chat. I know this has been mentioned before, but I think it would greatly enhance the experience and...keep it fun:)

03-14-2012, 09:09 AM
Also be nice to tracking glads on the verge of breaking into the Hall of Records.

03-15-2012, 07:33 AM
great idea

03-16-2012, 10:51 AM
why haven't anybody thought of that